▪ Startup Development
▪ Management Consulting
▪ People Analytics
▪ Web3 Ecosystem Expertise
▪ Blockchain Integration
▪ AI-driven Solutions
▪ HR Tech Innovation
▪ Real-time Sentiment Analysis
▪ Strategic Thinking
▪ Global Brand and Growth Strategy
▪ Digital Transformation
▪ Public Speaking
▪ Mentoring and Guidance


In the dynamic landscape of talent management and HR transformation, Josh Drean stands out as a visionary leader, blending a rich history of tech-driven solutions with a profound understanding of emerging technologies. With a Master's Degree from Harvard University, Josh has consistently pushed the boundaries of what's possible in reshaping the workplace experience. Josh’s work has been featured in HBR, Forbes, Fast Company, and MIT Technology and his YouTube channel has garnished millions of views. Josh was named top 100 foremost experts on the Metaverse.

As the Co-founder and Senior Partner of the Work3 Institute, situated in the heart of Silicon Valley, California, Josh is at the forefront of implementing AI strategies within the Web3 ecosystem. The Work3 Institute represents a paradigm shift, where traditional hierarchical structures yield to decentralized, autonomous, and collaborative frameworks. His role as a Workforce Advisor at the Harvard Innovation Labs further underscores his commitment to transforming workplace dynamics. During his tenure, Josh played a pivotal role in fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. His expertise in web3, AI, and decentralization proved instrumental in guiding budding entrepreneurs and startups towards developing cutting-edge work technology solutions. In his role as a Global Brand and Growth Strategist at Mercer & Leapgen, Josh was instrumental in driving significant digital transformations within HR functions. Collaborating closely with C-suite executives and digital-first leaders, he not only implemented new technologies but also facilitated a cultural shift towards more agile, employee-centric practices. As the Co-founder and CEO of DreanMedia, a cutting-edge creative and consulting agency, Josh revolutionized employee-centric media solutions using AI-driven approaches. His mission went beyond traditional boundaries, leveraging Artificial Intelligence to redefine how brands engage with their workforce. The agency's AI algorithms analyzed employee engagement and sentiment in real-time, tailoring content that resonated deeply with the workforce. Throughout his career, Josh has been featured in prestigious publications such as Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Fast Company, and The Economist. His international speaking engagements, where he simplifies complex topics like people analytics and workforce experience, have earned him a reputation for making these subjects relatable and actionable for digital-first leaders. Josh is also recognized for his co-authorship of "Employment is Dead: How Disruptive Technologies Are Revolutionizing the Way We Work" (Harvard Business Review Press, 2024). 

Beyond his professional achievements, Josh is an advocate for education and a mentor at heart. From his early years as a Youth Culture & Experience Speaker to his role at Harvard Innovation Labs, he has consistently engaged with students, advocating for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and helping them navigate life's challenges. His ability to inspire, coupled with his expertise, positions Josh Drean as a transformative force in the realm of HR and workforce experience. For  organizations seeking a visionary leader to guide their talent management and workforce strategies, Josh Drean offers not just expertise but a unique blend of forward-thinking insights. 

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